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Lam Gods – Gouden Boek II / The Ghent Altarpiece – Golden Book II


216 Seiten, zahlreiche Abbildungen, Golden Book

9783957323637 , , , , , ,

Text in Vlaams & English
Available in every ebook store / verkrijgbaar in elke Ebook Store  (PDF / 6,99 €)

“The Golden Books” are a joint project by NTGent and the Berlin publisher Verbrecher Verlag. It is a series comprising programme articles on theatre, aesthetics and politics as well as background pieces on productions and projects by NTGent. A series on both the theory and the practice of a ‘city theatre of the future’.
“Lam Gods/The Ghent Altarpiece” is the second volume in this series. It is published end of September 2018 for the premiere of Milo Rau‘s theatre production “Lam Gods” to open his first season as artistic director of NTGent. The volume gathers – in Dutch and English – material, original texts as well as background-interviews about Milo Rau‘s production, a work between theatre and a performative video installation, with which he transposes the most famous painting of Belgium, the “Ghent Altarpiece” of the Van Eyck brothers from 1432, into the present.

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